Welcome to the Smigly Gifts Blog! It has been a ride! The set-up, coding, inputting and stocking of inventory, pricing, testing, and continual prayer have helped me learn about opening an online store. Prayer has also prevented me from yanking my hair out and having a temper tantrum when fixing one problem resulted in new "issues". And I am still enjoying the ride! My new website just went live on March 20, 2009! I have made my first sale! How glorious!
My website,
http://mysmigly.com/ , is a venture into breaking free from working the corporate life into working for myself. A statement to the world that "...with God, all things are possible!"
This blog is here to write about issues related to small, Christian-owned business. Yes, this is a way to organize my thoughts and ideas concerning items I can offer for sale. Perhaps, I might be considering branching my store into gift cards, gift certificates, gift baskets, etc. It is something to consider.
So, what is Smigly Gifts? It is an online gift store which sells, primarily, inspirational gifts. Our customer base is rather broad. Basically anyone who wants to buy a gift for a friend, co-worker, family member, etc.
Our inventory includes books, bookends, coffee mugs, jewelry, figurines, toys, and some collectible offerings as well.
I leave you with this message of faith and hope:
Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. -- Joshua 1:9